Expand Your Mind, Elevate Your Life

About Jack Trama

Meet Your Host

Jack Trama

My name is Jack Trama, and my journey as an entrepreneur has been a wild ride. I've helped all kinds of people take big leaps in their lives: individuals diving into coaching programs to learn new skills, entrepreneurs buying and selling businesses, startup founders chasing their dreams, and go-getters looking for the right opportunities.

Along the way, I noticed something crucial - success isn't just about strategy or market conditions. It's about what's happening between our ears and how that shapes our lives. This realization sparked a shift in my own path. I saw that our mindset profoundly impacts our well-being, relationships, health, and prosperity. Now, I'm focused on breaking through mental barriers that hold people back in all areas of life. My own journey has been a series of reinventions, teaching me about pushing past limits and reaching for something bigger.

Mindset shapes my entire life. In nature, I recharge and gain new perspectives. Whether hiking through Arizona's deserts, climbing Utah's mountains, or trekking through the scenic trails of the East Coast, I find these adventures not only fun but also incredibly inspiring. It's where my best ideas about life and growth take shape.

On my podcast, Mindset Reinvented, I share insights from my own journey and bring in guests with remarkable stories and unique perspectives. Join our conversation as we explore the possibilities that emerge when we shift our thinking and approach life's challenges from new angles.