Expand Your Mind, Elevate Your Life


Sept. 15, 2024

Tune In to Feel Good: 7 Ways to Harness Nostalgic Music for a Mood Boost | Mindset Reinvented

Tune In to Feel Good: 7 Ways to Harness Nostalgic Music for a Mood Boost We've all experienced that moment when an old favorite song comes on and suddenly our mood lifts. But did you know you can intentionally use this effect to improve your emotio…

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Sept. 13, 2024

Mindset Makeover: A Dubai CX Leader's Journey Through Self-Doubt & Imposter Syndrome | Mindset Reinvented

Hey friend! Ever felt like you're swimming against the current in your career? Well, grab a coffee and settle in, because we've got a story that might just inspire you to make some changes of your own. Meet Vaishali Dialani, a customer experience p…

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Sept. 7, 2024

Reinventing Your Mindset: Lessons from Jack Trama's Latest Podcast

Hey there! So, I just wrapped up recording another episode of Mindset Reinvented, and I've got to tell you, this one's a doozy. We dug into some pretty heavy stuff, but in a way that I hope will leave you feeling pumped and ready to tackle whatever'…

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Sept. 5, 2024

Grit, Authenticity, and the Power of Starting with "Who": Insights from David Ask | Mindset Reinvented

Meet David: The Guy Who Turned Self-Doubt into Success David's not your typical success story. He's the brains behind Stat Guard Plus, a product now in over 3,700 stores. But here's the kicker - he started out feeling like a total imposter. Can you…

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Aug. 30, 2024

Real Talk: Sally Maxwell's Down-to-Earth Relationship Advice | Mindset Reinvented

Hey everyone, feeling a bit lost in the relationship maze? You're not alone. We recently had Sally Maxwell on the Mindset Reinvented podcast, and she shared some eye-opening insights that might just change how you think about love and relationships.…

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Aug. 30, 2024

Embracing Age: Lessons from Renata Joy on Living Fully at Any Stage of Life | Mindset Reinvented

In a world that often seems obsessed with youth, it's refreshing to encounter voices that celebrate the beauty and wisdom of aging. Recently, I had the privilege of interviewing Renata Joy, a former Emmy-nominated TV producer turned wellness guru, o…

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Aug. 15, 2024

From Freefall to Finish Line: The Remarkable Journey of Jason Dennen | Mindset Reinvented

A Day That Changed Everything Have you ever had one of those days where everything changes in the blink of an eye? For Jason Dennen, what started as a routine Saturday turned into a fight for survival that would test his limits, reshape his perspec…

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Aug. 15, 2024

Beat News Anxiety: Master Your Mindset With Jack Trama | Mindset Reinvented

Hey there, friends. I've been thinking a lot about how we handle all the news coming at us these days. It's a lot, isn't it? Ukraine, the Middle East, tensions with China and North Korea - it can feel pretty overwhelming. In my latest "Mindset Reinv…

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Aug. 8, 2024

From People-Pleaser to Powerhouse: Dr. Wendi Zimmer's Mindset Transformation Journey | Mindset Reinvented

We've all experienced moments of feeling stuck, living life on autopilot, trying to make everyone happy except ourselves. For Dr. Wendi Zimmer, a turning point in her personal development came through an unexpected and challenging situation: her dau…

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Aug. 6, 2024

Beyond Millions: Julie Holly's Guide to Conscious Investing and Purposeful Living | Mindset Reinvented

Hey there! I'm really excited to share some amazing insights from our recent chat with Julie Holly on the Mindset Reinvented podcast. Grab a cup of coffee, because we've got a lot to unpack! Julie Holly's Journey: From Classroom to Conscious Invest…

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