Expand Your Mind, Elevate Your Life

Sally Maxwell

Sally Maxwell Profile Photo

Max-Well Coaching / Relationships

With over 13 years of experience in personal coaching and business development and leadership, Sally continues to enjoy coaching teams, couples, individuals, executives, and high performing athletes.

Formerly an internationally competitive ski racer, ranked 4th in the world, Sally learned the importance of strengthening her own mental edge to enhance her performance while being a contributing part of a dynamic team.

She believes that people grow and develop into greatness, as long as they have the leadership and tools to help them do so. Each one of us matters in how we walk our talk. By using a combination of actionable tools, mind management techniques and personal experience, Sally passionately works with her clients to up-level their lives from great to their absolute best.

Previously from Maine and NYC, Sally now calls Aspen, CO home with her husband and 2 children. She enjoys skiing, singing, trying new foods, and spending time with her family.

Aug. 30, 2024

Ep12: Fix Your Love Life: Expert Sally Maxwell Answers to Your Relati…

Fix Your Love Life: Sally Maxwell Answers Your Toughest Questions Struggling with love? Sally Maxwell's back, and she's not holding back. In this no-BS episode, Sally tackles real questions from real people: Making long-dista...

Episode page
July 17, 2024

Ep4: Secrets to Lasting Love: Building Stronger Relationships

Today on Mindset Reinvented we're diving deep into the art of building lasting, fulfilling relationships. In this episode, we explore the fascinating concept of the 'relationship container' - a powerful metaphor for understan...

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