Grow Your Mind, Elevate Your Life


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Enjoying Jack's Solo Podcasts
Big fan of all the guests but I do enjoy Jack's solo podcasts. Especially the episode about News Anxiety as I have my fair share. I don't think I've seen a podcast that discusses this topic in the way Jack does. Keep up the good work - I'm looking forward to more episodes!

Need More Podcasts Like This
It's great to see how Jack is spreading positivity in such a negative world. Jack is a great host and his guests are great too!

Amazing Host & Guests
Love the vulnerability, authenticity, insights, and intelligence each episode offers. Jack is an exceptional host who asks insightful questions and creates a dynamic that clearly encourages guests to open up.

Insightful tips and inspiring
I listened to the interview with Natalie and found her insights on hidden traumas, healing, and creating boundaries with positive people helpful. Looking forward to listening to future episodes! Jack has a great voice and enjoyable interview style.

A must listen to
The host and guest were amazing and very informative.